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Independent Fostering Agencies

Fostering in Nottingham could not be easier when you work alongside independent fostering agencies like the team at Fostering Dimensions Ltd. We are an independent fostering agency dedicated to providing foster children with safe and secure homes in Nottingham.

We work with local authorities and foster carers to provide high quality safe, secure and supportive homes for children and young people from birth to 18 years. Independent fostering agencies like our home of fostering in Nottingham is managed and staffed by highly qualified practitioners with extensive experience in fostering, management, social care and therapy.

We believe that our commitment to providing a team around the foster carer, supporting and working with you to care for children sets us apart from other indepedent fostering agencies.

The fostering team includes therapists and counsellors who are experienced in the complex needs of looked after children, including attachments, identity and behavioural issues. We also have therapists/counsellors offering a range of support to foster carers and their families.

Fostering Dimensions Ltd caters for children and young people from diverse backgrounds. We aim to place children with foster carers who are best suited to meet the individual needs of children and young people.

When you work with indepdendent fostering agencies like us, you will see how we appreciate the importance for local placement. This allows children to continue benefiting from staying at existing schools, retain contact to friends and family and local amenities that they are used to.

For more information call today on 0115 9792515

You may think you can’t foster, but perhaps you can.

Fostering is something I’d thought about doing for a long time but always thought I couldn’t do. Speaking to Fostering Dimensions made me realise I could and I have not looked back since.

Fostering Dimensions,
Foster Carer

We don’t just recruit foster carers we develop caring people to make a difference to the lives of children.

Meet Our Carers

Meet Our Carers Thumbnail

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