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Why you should consider fostering in Nottingham

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It’s not easy to wake up one day and think ‘I would love to do something like fostering in Nottingham’. In fact, we highly doubt anybody randomly wakes up and thinks this. Naturally, this is a very big commitment and is probably something that you may have thought about for a while. Maybe you know someone who was a foster parent or foster child or maybe you don’t and have been made aware of it recently? If Foster Care fortnight 2019 sparked your interest, then you’re in the right place. We’re going to talk a little bit more about the world of fostering as we definitely feel it should have awareness all year round, but more importantly, to help you make the decision if fostering in Nottingham is something you’re considering.

When independent fostering agencies like Fostering Dimensions meet foster carers or prospective foster parents, we make sure to share with them information on what foster care is, the advice and support you get and what life is really like with foster children in your life. Equally important is answering the question, “Why should I consider becoming a foster parent?”.

Similar to foster children, the answer to that question differs from person to person, but of course, over our years of experience, we have found the most dedicated and successful foster parents who often speak of common reasons:


Number one

I care about children and want to help them with their life. Children and young adults in the foster care system have come from troubled backgrounds and may face obstacles in their life. Fostering in Nottingham is a powerful way to liven up their heads and give them a helping hand in life.

Number two

I am the right person for fostering as I’m loving but can be firm when needed.  Parenting is no different when you become a foster parent. Like all children and young adults, love, attention, communication and patience are vital characteristics for successful foster parents when fostering in Nottingham.

Number three

I’m a parent and I’d like to use my skills to help other children.  Having parenting experience is useful and may provide a foundation in parenting a foster child who may have experienced abuse, trauma, and separation.  Every child is different, and a good parent is able to learn from their experiences and cater to the individual needs of each child.

Number four

I didn’t have children.  By fostering in Nottingham, being a foster parent I can give my time and attention to a worthwhile cause. Being a parent already doesn’t give you an advantage when it comes to fostering. Each child is different and if you are eligible to foster, that’s all that matters.

Number 5

As a foster parent, I can make a difference in a child’s life.  The most important thing to remember when fostering in Nottingham is that their lives are going to change just as much as yours. When you become a foster parent, you are changing a child’s life without realising. You are giving that child a chance for a better life and even if they have to leave and return to their birth families, the memories and love you have given is life-changing.

Number 6
I feel the need to give back and want to share my experiences, time, and good fortune with a child.  A person may have had their own challenges in life and the prospect of helping another person after losing a parent, dealing with a family member’s addiction, or experiencing abuse, for example, is a big factor when deciding to foster.  Everyone deals with life differently and some people may never have faced these difficulties and feel a sense of gratitude.

Number seven
You’re helping more than just your foster children. Foster children are in the foster care system for a reason. Foster parents help fight the problems of homelessness, substance abuse, mental health, domestic abuse, poverty.  While caring for foster children, foster parents give a child’s birth parents the chance to receive the necessary help to overcome problems that may have led to their children being put into foster care in the first place. Foster parents can also be role models to birth parents on better ways of parenting the children.

We know for sure that there are many more other good reasons as to why you should consider fostering in Nottingham. We’d love to meet with you to talk about how you can join us in our mission to give hope, help and healing to children, families and communities.
Fostering in Nottingham may be the most challenging job you’ll ever have, but it can be the most rewarding one as well.